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Compare: Apple iPad 2 Vs New iPad 3

According to a report published this week by Gartner Inc, worldwide sales of tablet computers are set to almost double to 118.9 million units this year, compared with 60 million units in 2011. The report predicts that Apple Inc will continue to dominate the tablet market, as the iPad looks to have a 61.4% share for 2012.

As our recent article ‘Lawyers using the iPad for business’ highlights, a growing number within the legal sector are continuing to adopt the iPad. As a result, the Legal Tech Review has created an interesting infographic that clearly highlights some of the key differences and technical specifications between the iPad 2 and the new iPad 3. The infogrpahic compares features including: size and weight, display, storage, processor, camera, wireless support, battery life and price.

Do you use the ipad for business? Will you be upgrading to the new iPad 3?

Source: Law Tech Review